We challenge you to broaden your horizons at the Connecting the Dots conference on 30 January 2015, 09:00 –17:00 hrs, Media Plaza, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
The conference offers you access to eminent thinkers and innovators. You will have an opportunity to explore and taste the latest technologies in food, mobility and buildings. You can debate on their impact on our living and working environment and on the changing roles of public and private parties in our society. English will be the conference working language, and admission is free.
The conference will offer a balanced mix of interactive participation and keynote addresses by internationally recognized experts including Carlota Perez (London School of Economics), Kent Larson (Michigan Institute of Technology), André Kuipers (European Space Agency), Jaap Seidell (University of Amsterdam), and Bryant Walker Smith (Stanford Law School, TBC).
Are you ready to become a part of this adaptive process?
For more information, please contact Yvette Oostendorp at yvette.oostendorp@rli.nl
More about the conference Connecting the Dots
Survey of technological innovations for the physical domain
The 'Survey of technological innovations for the physical domain' will be presented at the confenrence.
The Council invites you to reflect on the initial draft text. What do you think?
Read more about the 'Survey of technological innovations for the physical domain'
For more information, please contact Lianne Doeswijk, project coordinator at lianne.doeswijk@rli.nl
De informatie over de 'Verkenning technologische innovaties' is ook in het Nederlands beschikbaar, evenals de conceptteksten.