OECD & EEAC jointly organized a webinar on better policies for food systems

The OECD and EEAC Network organized on April 13, 2021 a joint webinar on the findings from the OECD’s Making Better Policies for Food Systems report. The report brings together decades of OECD research and policy recommendations into a coherent view on food systems to support policy makers around the world develop better policies for food systems. Following a presentation on the report by the authors, an assessment of the report and possible policy implications from the perspective of the European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils Network (EEAC) was shared.

logo van het webinar: een illustratie van voedsel op een bord

Experts from the German Advisory Council on Global Change, the Dutch Council on the Environment and Infrastructure (Rli) and the Council for the Sustainable Development of Catalonia contributed. Following the presentation and reflections, interaction on the performance of the global food system followed. Participants also discussed the design of coherent policies, factors complicating the task of achieving better policies and key priorities for food system policy approaches.

You can view the session recordings here

Read more about the OECD report Making Better Policies for Food Systems